You want to know what I don't like?
Well, apparently you do, if my fax machine has it right.
O.K., America. You win.
Here's what I don't like.
But first, a story.
Anyway, there I was, one crisp spring early afternoon, minding my own business at local eatery "Taco-Tico" (a regionally-renowned one-stop-shop for every imagineable culinary voyage). As I was savoring the third bite of my Sgt. Slaughter Kid's Meal, I caught something that disturbed me then, and haunts me now.
"A dog?", I queeried to myself at first.
"Perhaps one of those adorable fake ferrets that roll on that ball-thingy? You know what I mean!" (which was odd, as this was an internal dialogue).
"Billy Barty?"
No. It was none of those.
It was rodent that was roughly the size of a Buick LeSabre.
And if that weren't enough, it had emerged from the same general vicinity as my Fun-chalada.
Which brings me back to my original point: I HATE THE ESTATE TAX.
Satisfied, America?
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